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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Big Boy Teething

Earlier this evening I was in our bedroom changing Dash, while Jen was in Hugo's room. So there I am making fart noises to Dash which makes him laugh (because Dash now makes farty noises with his mouth at 3 or 4 in the morning when he wakes up) and I hear a scream from the other room, a loud "No!" then a few swift movements and a door shut with authority. Jen walks in, agitated and in pain, and tells me that she put Hugo in his crib because he had just bitten her butt. I think, "No way, really?" However, a few minutes later I am putting a band aid on her backside as there is a small purple welt and actual blood at the scene of the crime. Hugo in a teething moment of insanity, ran up behind my wife while she was putting old clothes away and bit her butt, through her jeans. Later, all was forgiven and a chocolate popsicle was awarded...because let's face it, teething is really hard.

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