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Monday, July 23, 2012

Just posting recent pictres from my phone (with captions)

Sad Dash: just past 2 and he's working the tantrums like a pro.  Here he's in recovery mode.
That's right, Hugo's watching Jem & The Holograms (and liking it).

If there's a puddle around, Dashiel's walking into it (Hugo, left, is a bit more selective).

When the boys wake up, first thing, they shoot out to the living room and get to working the train table.

"What tantrum??"

Hugo's new bathtub thing: floating with his ears below the water.  I figure he's putting the mute button on Dash's loud chatter.

Mom and her boys (no really, they didn't want to hold Daddy's hand).

Went out for a bike ride with a friend recently, took the following two panoramas.  This one's along the West side of Manhattan around 170st Street--George Washington Bridge to the right, downtown to the left.  You'd have to click the image to enlarge.
This panorama taken from the RFK bridge that connects Queens to The Bronx and Manhattan.  Hellgate bridge in the center, East River and Astoria Park in the center foreground.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Working the corner by Rikers

Dash and I had every intention of going to the park today.  But we had no stroller so we walked SLOOOOWLY and found a payphone.  After standing there and talking to an empty line, I dialed the newsroom's toll-free number and asked a friend to make small talk with him.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Two Hams in Hats!

Dash and Hugo were fighting over a hat earlier this evening, so Jen decided to pull down a whole box of hats from the wardrobe....That's when the boys started hamming it up for the camera (as well as checking themselves out in the mirror, too).  If you can't see the slide show images, click here.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Learning from your past...

Have you been following the Jerry Sandusky case?
It is a big deal in the Brown household.
Children abused over years, but at least justice was served, albeit very late in the game.
Today the independent report from Penn State came out and found that from the top down people knew he was up to no good and did nothing to stop it.  Father figure Joe Paterno included.

This was all to save face for a football program.

There were lots of justifiable reasons for not going to the police.  I know this story line all too well.
While following this case has been as painful as a car wreck for me...  I now know in my heart when I was a child and heard the excuses of why we weren't going to the police...  that then and now, the reasoning never made sense.

A child shouldn't have to understand an adult's selfish means to an end.

There is no good reason for not seeking justice.  Even if our legal system is flawed, it brings resolution.  It would have been nice for the Jerry I knew to at least face charges (that was his name too).

This very serious entry makes the blog today as a reminder to us as parents and to our friends that there are many Jerry-types in the world and you can't start soon enough in telling your kids how to protect themselves and what to be aware of.

And the biggest job as a parent is helping put Jerry behind bars.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Here's to You, Dash! Happy Birthday!

We went to our favorite indoor water park hotel for Dash's second birthday and we should have known something was up when he wasn't his usual go-getter self on the slides and in the water.  Turns out, our little guy has hand foot mouth disease which has been going around.  Our kids have had everything this last month and mom and dad have been on the receiving end too.  But as your can see we've made the most of the hot weather and have visit beaches, lakes and our local public pool.

Our little boy came into this world with a personality ready to go.  He's jaunty, capricious, inquisitive, sociable, and super chatty.  He is this family's glue, always bringing everyone together whether it be for a group hug or to break up a time out... Dashiel Quincy you are loved!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

More swimming because it's over 90°

More from Lake Welch this evening.

Train Stuff!

We went on a Thomas the Train hunt for Dash's birthday and found a dad with three sons unloading their entire collection.  We couldn't hide the table in our apartment so it's a "Christmas in July" moment for the boys.

(Did you know each of those small trains runs $10-$15?? Jeesh.  A full size Barbie is cheaper!)