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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011


The boys generally shy away from swings...but the other day it seems they caught the bug.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Green Lantern Pants

Hugo's shorts seem to glow green next to this poster.

Dash Walks, Jumps and Talks...

We haven't posted video in a while...So here's some walking...
We've gotten him to take more steps, but needless to say, he's close to a full-on sprint....or dash as the case may be. Below, a bit of jumping...
And now a bit of talking....Dash has picked up a new word: watch now as he points to "the dog" and says her name. And Hugo, he gives a big choco-smile at the end.

Drawing with Hugo

He is quite good with lines.