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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, Hugo!

As the boys had colds, we kept the party at home for Hugo this year. We celebrated his 3rd birthday with chocolate cake, "Thomas the Train" balloons and some really cool toys. Happy Birthday, son! And, Happy New Year to all.

Boys being silly with my hats

...From two days ago.

Happy 3rd Birthday Hugo!


Our little man turns 3 today!!  To describe our preschooler?  He's a hugger, loyal to his kitty, he loves to swim, he loves to jump, he's currently crazy about Thomas the Train, he'll do anything for chocolate covered raisins, he'll only drink from a glass  if there is chocolate milk involved, wake him up in the middle of the night, and he's up for hours.  If you say good-bye, he'll break your heart with an emotional "good-bye!!" right back.

Hugo and Dash are currently battling a cold so all sorts of birthday plans have been put on hold.  We'll keep you posted...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Box boy

Hugo was having fun walking around with this box on his head. So, we cut a hole in it so he could see where he was going.

5 a.m. Crash Time

The boys have been very excited with their new beds...the other night they woke up at 1 a.m. for playtime and, as you can see, finally passed out around 5 a.m.  This photo was taken by daddy who walked in at 5:15 because all got suddenly quiet. I picked them up and put them back into the new beds where the slept until 8 a.m.  And all were tired just in time for Christmas.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Morning

Opening gifts Christmas morning with the Brown boys!  Tired parents and excited boys :)

Happy Holidays everyone.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Playing with Dash

Daddy had to swing by work and brought Dash with to get some playground time in.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chocolate Cupcakes!

Jen made cupcakes last night and gave the boys the beaters...and then it was into the tub with those batter-faced boys!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Good Morning, Christmas Tree

Although they "helped" last night, the boys woke up to the full kitschy splendor that is our holiday tree.  They sat and stared, bedazzled.  This tree will also mark the day that Dashiel has learned to scramble out of his crib.  He did it once last night when Jen was in the room.  At that moment we passed silent wide-eyed looks between us – telepathically I heard Jen say, "holy sh*t!"  She got that right:  this morning I went in to rouse the kids, to get Hugo up for school, only to find Dash snoozing on the trampoline!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Today's artistic pursuits

Dash loves to draw while Hugo makes music and then later, "sculpts" with radioactive green putty.