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Friday, September 11, 2009

J.C. Penney Portraits

Here's just a few of the portraits of Hugo (taken on our visit to Chicago about a month ago).

And of course, we had to include the much-talked-about "pouty face."

Hugo's Current Obsession

Hugo recently joined the ranks of the mobile.  It may no longer be safe to be a dog in our house.  Time to hide the breakables.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Breaking news to report....

Today Hugo OFFICIALLY crawled, as in used hands and knees and got all the way across our family room rug. The dogs have started to warm to their new on-the-floor friend. Hugo still bumps his head as he rolls to his back and the THUD never fails to get a good gasp from his Dad.
Teeth update: Those top chompers are officially out. Hugo can now bite down on his spoon, which now has turkey meat on it!

As for Labor Day, we spent it poolside in an alley, off 24th Avenue, in Queens....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Trip to Dartmouth

Last weekend we made our way to Hanover, NH for a retirement party for my former coach, Carl Wallin (40 years at Dartmouth). Unfortunately it was rainy, but it was great to see many of my former teammates.

Below, Hugo says hello to Carl's grandson.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fun with a balloon

Colin and Hugo playing with a balloon....