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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We Get Around

It's come to my attention that we may have more "regular" blog viewers out there than previously thought. Let me know if you "tune in" with a comment to this post (include email) and I will try to get a mailing list going for updates. Meanwhile, I am posting some images from my old phone--as it's now retired.

Hugo's review mirror! He's pretty comfortable in the CR-V. He likes to watch the city go by. And thankfully, he doesn't seem to get ill when traveling backwards...some people do. We'll see how he does on longer trips soon enough.

Hugo's also pretty comfortable traveling in the carrier (Baby Bjorn in this case). We said hello to Mary on our way to Blockbuster. She prays over the corner of 29th and Ditmars. The other corners are not so "blessed."

Had to put this one in, even though it's blurry, because A) you can see the flurry of limbs when we play with him in his crib and B) I love the Red Rooster he does rule the roost.......well, actually, Mommy does; I just have to remember to put my socks away...and take fun pictures when I can. Things coming up: road trip to Canada and a hundred mile bike ride (scary).


  1. Oh you're all fancy with that mirror in the CRV! Except now Hugo can't get away with anything since the 'rents are always keeping an eye on him... poor little guy.

    That rooster onesie is rockin!

  2. Really enjoy you photos and update on you comings and goings.
    Looking forward to see all 3 of you (but especially Hugo, LOL)when you come to Canada
    Love to you all...Greatest Aunt Mary Ellen

  3. Sophia is a regular viewer of the photos and videos. She may have a crush on the adorable Hugo. (Watch out Hugo she is an older woman by 12 months or so!)

    We love the makes us laugh. Jen - I have the Babies R Us moment depicted in earlier videos.
    Much love...Jenn, Brent, Sophia and Balto

  4. We too enjoy watching your exploits from the Old Dominion. It's great to see how well our old Crest friends are doing.
