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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Learning from your past...

Have you been following the Jerry Sandusky case?
It is a big deal in the Brown household.
Children abused over years, but at least justice was served, albeit very late in the game.
Today the independent report from Penn State came out and found that from the top down people knew he was up to no good and did nothing to stop it.  Father figure Joe Paterno included.

This was all to save face for a football program.

There were lots of justifiable reasons for not going to the police.  I know this story line all too well.
While following this case has been as painful as a car wreck for me...  I now know in my heart when I was a child and heard the excuses of why we weren't going to the police...  that then and now, the reasoning never made sense.

A child shouldn't have to understand an adult's selfish means to an end.

There is no good reason for not seeking justice.  Even if our legal system is flawed, it brings resolution.  It would have been nice for the Jerry I knew to at least face charges (that was his name too).

This very serious entry makes the blog today as a reminder to us as parents and to our friends that there are many Jerry-types in the world and you can't start soon enough in telling your kids how to protect themselves and what to be aware of.

And the biggest job as a parent is helping put Jerry behind bars.