As if this day couldn't get any worse, we lost our loveable Frida-girl this morning. I made this

When we first took her and her brother home, while living in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, we were told their names were "Tiger" (Diego) and "Fozzy" (Frida). In some small-town diner we decided to rename them. We threw out some gems like "Chips and Salsa" and "Barts and Farts" ...those were good for a laugh, but it was "Frida and Diego" that really seemed right to us.
Goodbye, Miss Frida. We will miss your bright and endearing presence profoundly.

One of the most agonizing days of my life. It's one thing to wake to horrible news and wrap your head around what your work day will be like. It's another knowing you're losing a loved one. Our fuzzy white dog Frida died today. She and her brother Diego look different but are from the same litter. We started our marriage with them. Watched them as puppies run fields in Wisconsin. Laughed as they pissed on Wall Street as adults. And got sentimental as they curled up on Hugo's bed in their senior years.

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