When we heard that a professional photographer was taking photographs of the kids at Hugo's school, Jen and I both knew we weren't going to miss it. We were fairly confident that Hugo's photograph would be in there someplace--he's a good lookin' kid, after all--and sure enough, we found him, looking directly in the lens with this cute, quizzical look of assessment, wondering what was going on in front of him. Or more likely, he knew what was going on and was perhaps talking to the camera, or to the photographer, telling her about his day so far.
Seeing this show was a bit emotional for me (and for Jen, too). Not only to see our son on the wall, but to be surrounded by such wonderful portraits of children. While it's true that "spectrum" kids struggle with communicating, I was moved most by the expression pouring out from the images in the show: anger, frustration, sadness, indifference, curiosity, silliness, happiness, elation. All these feelings and more were plain to see in the clothes they wore, the poses they selected and the looks on their faces. The children were clearly present, aware, and in the moment. The exhibit served as an affirmation that in many ways these children, our son included, are already "talking."
Although he can't know it yet, Jen and I couldn't be prouder of Hugo, nor happier with the school he attends, as they patiently help him to find his voice. It's good to know that in the best way he can right now, to the best of his ability, he's already "speaking."
Our heartfelt thanks to artist, Elisabeth Kahane, Hugo's teachers, and the School.
Love it. Miss you guys.