Yesterday, me and the boys went to meet Mommy at the train as she was getting home from work (yes, Jen works weekends :P). We stopped by a deli on Ditmars, where, because it was late in the day, sold her an entire tray of corned beef and cabbage for a paltry sum. Apparently they make a practice of this--unloading prepared foods at bargain prices rather than throw them out. Anyway, we will be stopping by late in the day more often. After the deli, we checked-in at the Best Yet Park* and ate some CB&C. We have no photos of this, but it was good. We do have other photos...

Like Dashiel trying out the swing for the first time. Since he's sitting up on his own now, this is now a possibility. We're working on shoes that stay on.

You may think I was following Mommy and Dash all around the park. Nope. I was tacking speedy Hugo who was doing his own exploring; squeezing in pictures of the family whenever Hugo's erratic orbit passed near his brother. Here's Hugo (above) checking out one of the fountains.

And Hugo, again, from above. We were trying to get him to climb up to us, to no avail.
These next two pics are from a couple days ago. Here's Dashiel sitting up in his crib, talking with his toys. As you can see, we already have to lower the bed of his crib to the deepest setting. Right now, he's in the middle and his head is almost level with the side panel.

And Hugo and Mommy, playing with "Tune Cat." We borrowed this one from friends and Hugo took to this toy right away. Every now and then he will come back to it to press buttons and keys.
*"Best Yet" Park: Its real name is Woodside Park (hello, generic park name), but it's next to the Best Yet market on 37th and 21st, so we refer to it as the "Best Yet" Park. It is certainly not the best park yet. Mostly, it's just convenient and safe for the kids.
Okay, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one of these days I see Mommy or Daddy on a big ol' twisty slide -- now that's some park fun. :)