Oh, Hugo and Dash started the morning chatty and in good spirits....then we went to visit Dr. Mike. A nice man really, but unfortunately, his job requires giving needles to boys who'd rather not have them, thank you very much.

Truth be told, Hugo fell apart as soon as he entered the examining room; as if he remembered the needles from his last visit eight months ago.

Dash was all bubbles and sunshine until the injections...then, in quick succession, there was the sudden look of betrayal, followed by a brief hard frowny-face, then waterworks and finally, ear-piercing screaming. Utterly heart-breaking to watch.
Oh well, nothing a bottle of formula (Dash) and a wafer cookie (Hugo) couldn't cheer up. Then we walked to the park--Dash took a nap and Hugo ran around looking for sticks.
Oh Yeah...The tale of the tape:
Dash at 8.5 months is 26 lbs. and 9 oz. / 32 inches.
Hugo at 2 years and 3 months is 31 lbs. and 37 inches.
Dash is a tank, Hugo's a toothpick.
Your boys just keep getting cuter, even with their sad I-hate-needles faces!