Hello! Since we have a wee Brownie on the way, we decided to fire up a blog so friends and family can check out what's happening in our world. This, I hope, will be the first of many postings to come.
The news so far:
Where Jen was told she was "nowhere near" last week, come to find out at her latest appointment that the baby has started to descend! And could come any time now. WOW! In fact, last night

just before bed Jen noticed that she felt the absence of the tiny toes that have been incessantly pushing into her rib cage (for the past couple months): this experience she likened to having a continuous stitch in her side, the kind one gets from running on a full stomach. So it would seem that the baby has dropped some. The doctor also noted the following: "big baby." Eeek! Hopefully not too big. We shall see. Anyway, Jen was given the sense that the baby is coming "soon." Perhaps a Christmas baby? Who knows...could be tomorrow, could be January. Anyway, as is the purpose of this blog, we will keep you all posted. -e-
What a fun idea. I look forward to reading the updates and seeing the pictures.
I look forward to the updates. I cannot wait...