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Monday, May 25, 2015

Chocolate Ice Cream

Because Memorial Day. :)

This Morning's Brunch

Everyone sat at the table nicely and nobody had hot pants!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

Scooter Boys

Jen took these fun shots of Hugo and Dash at our storage unit...we were digging out our summer clothes and the boys had ants in their pants.  They are pretty fast on these things. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day, Jennifer

A cute little piece the boys and I worked on for Jen.
On mobile? Click here to view.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

"Under The Sea"

When it comes to school performances, Jennifer and I always hope for the best come show time, but we are also somewhat prepared for the worst. We both understand how Hugo can get when demands are placed on him and he isn't willing or ready to comply. Generally, you get a good looking, blond-haired, slightly-green-eyed rage monster boy. We understand this, though; like many children on the spectrum, Hugo's fear and frustration manifests itself in challenging ways for us, his parents.

 For the past few days, poor Hugo has been extremely stressed out about his school's upcoming spring musical performance. He has had full on tantrums about it at school. He has been steaming and fretting about it while at home. "No Fish!" or "No Song Now!" he would shout! In fact, last night according to Jen, he complained about his part in the show right up to the time he fell asleep. 

Anyway, today was show day. That's Hugo in the fish hat wearing the orange shirt. He isn't doing much dancing to "Under the Sea," just wiggling really, but that he was even on the stage at all (and for the entire number) is a triumph neither Jen or I can fully express in words. A very emotional moment for both of us. Thanks to the staff at PS255Q for helping Hugo find his place on stage! And thanks for a remarkable and wonderfully entertaining show! The magnitude of effort, care, and patience it takes to coordinate an hour-long production of autistic kids is not lost on us.


Saturday, May 2, 2015