Not many posts as of late, the theme of this summer is either us yelling to the kids "Ready Set Go!" as they jump into the pool, or we've been yelling it to the TV and the divers at the Summer Olympics. Michael Phelps night after night may have inspired Hugo. He's been swimming underwater, eyes open in recent weeks.
In NYC, public pools have a modest amount of security. Getting into our local pool,
Astoria Park Pool, you start off with a bag check at the front gate--you also won't get in without a lock and swim "diapers" if you're with a child. And from there, getting from the locker room to the pool, you are allowed a towel, flip flops, maybe some lotion, your suit....and that's about it.
We've been to the pool plenty of times, but have yet to bring in a camera. That is, until yesterday when we snuck in my small cell phone and got a few pictures/video.
Our boys are actually fish it seems, and we wanted to share that. Bear with the weak picture quality