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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tongue Action

On the menu today... green beans.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

trying on turtle suits for halloween :)

out shopping.

Friday, July 24, 2009

New Job

Evan wrapped up with Trevor Day School today and, starting August 3, will be working for The Elisabeth Morrow School (Englewood, NJ) as their Director of Communications and Alumni.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hugo - 7-months-old & a hit at Dr. Mike's office

We love that white dr's office paper. Hugo wrapped himself up just before Dr. Mike came in.

Dr. says my annoying little wet cough is okay because I'm teething with my two top teeth ready to come soon (to match my bottom two).

Saturday, July 18, 2009

strolling the Brooklyn Bridge with Grandpa

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm a big boy I am!

Brief visit to the doctor today: 20 lbs. & 9 oz.
Jennifer took a bunch of great pictures recently, including this one. We've been busy but we'll try to get some new stuff up soon.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dancin', Dancin', Dancin' Machine...sort of.

Here I am, dancing with Hugo in the B-Bjorn...

As well, we recently attended a couple of parties with Hugo. Below, we stopped by to wish Zoe a happy first birthday. Here's me, Hugo, AJ and his daughter, Zoe, at this way-cool playground on the UES. Hugo's clearly got the gift of those hands little man.

Also, we enjoyed Hugo's first 4th of July by hanging out with our neighbors. Charlie, outdoor cooking specialist that he is, had the barbecue, the smoker, and the clam/lobster bake going (that's the pile of smoking seaweed on broken concrete slabs on the ground--which to everyone's surprise, worked perfectly). Jennifer grilled and prepared a delicious flank steak salad. We had a good time and it was great to meet new people.